
Crown of the Polish Mountains with bare tits. The eleventh peak - Skalnik (944 m asl), the highest peak of Rudawy Janowickie - is still a relatively poorly explored mountains.

And today one of the most charming places in the Karkonosze Mountains. Samotnia Shelter and Mały Staw.

And today it was supposed to be about Sokolik in the Sokole Mountains (Rudawy Janowickie), but I suffered a minor injury, so it will be about the Szwajcarka shelter.

Crown of the Polish Mountains with bare tits. The tenth peak - Waligóra (934 m. asl.) and a blood-curdling story about two summit attacks - in winter and summer.

And today a moment of rest in yurts from Baikal, i.e. the unique atmosphere of Central Asia in the Polish mountains

Crown of the Polish Mountains with bare tits. The ninth peak - Ślęża (718 m above sea level) - a magical place for over a thousand years.

The oldest observation tower in the land of extinct volcanoes and Lower Silesia on the Mszana hill (465 m. asl), near the village of Muchów.