And today a bit of culture, so I'm taking you to the University of Wrocław Museum. It's a really cool place.

 However, I will not bore you with stories about the rooms, exhibits and history, but I encourage you to visit the University of Wrocław Museum, so that you can learn all this from competent people, and not from a blonde with huge tits and thick ass.

While visiting the museum, we will reach a place with such a beautiful panorama of Wrocław.
    Wrocław is a city that is a cultural melting pot. The museum will probably introduce you to this place, which geographically and historically was and is at the crossroads of many cultures. And what will I, as a guide, introduce you? You probably already guessed - yes - my huge tits. Heh. 

I will show you around the museum in a cinematic way, without unnecessary, clever descriptions.

                                     Some large room, probably an assembly hall - very nice. 

As I have already written, there are specialists for descriptions and explanations. I will say only that it was a very large room and I wandered around it a bit. Very interesting. Heh

                          It's still the same room, as you can see I'm looking around, a bit. Heh

I really like this room, there were a lot of portraits hanging there. Many things glittered with gold - overall - an interesting place.  I moved on. And after this great hall, what a surprise!, the next hall. Heh

   I wanted to make everyone aware right away that this is not a church, but a museum hall.

It was also a very nice big hall. I sat for a while, looked at it and moved on. Very interesting

Astrological part of the museum

The next place was a section devoted to, among others, astrology and exact sciences. Very interesting. I moved on.

I recommend the view 

    Later I went to the terrace, where there were great views of Wrocław. The weather was good, the birds were singing, cars were driving and a light breeze was blowing from the Odra River. Very interesting

And down the stairs to the exit.

    Look how nice the stairs are, but that's the end of the trips. Of course, I strongly encourage you to visit the museum, because you won't learn anything from me. For example, I want to tell you that when you say the word "PolaRainbow", there is a discount on tickets, but I will just tell you that when you say the word "PolaRainbow", you only hear "?" or "who" or "what" Heh.

    If you want to support me in traveling, visiting museums or conquering the Crown of the Polish Mountains with bare tits, you can buy me a coffee. link here.
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     Byeeee!!!! See you in the next post or somewhere on the web.


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