First of all, I would like to remind you about the competition in which the prize is 1-month access to my onlyfans. The link to the competition is below. And today's post is about yoga.


I like yoga. I like to relax in today's world full of hustle, noise, stress, nerves, worries about how to make ends meet, problems with emotions, relationships and all these negative things that the current dehumanized world brings.

    And last year I spent more than a week on yoga in a beautiful place in the Beskid Sądecki Mountains - in the charming "Miłośliwka" cottage located high on the slope of one of the local peaks. I was isolated, the nearest village was over an hour away, so I could devote myself entirely to relaxation, meditation and yoga exercises. Next to the cottage there was a swimming pool fed with cold mountain water, a sauna and, above all, in that place was peace.

    Contact with nature, getting up for the sunrise, which I welcomed on a nearby peak. And exercises, both interdisciplinary, general development ones, and those strictly focused on yoga. And in the evenings there is a concert of playing the gongs, hangdrum, rav vast. And food. Delicious vegetarian food, although I am not a vegetarian myself, the dishes served there were from a different fairy tale, a good, positive fairy tale at that, not the schizophrenic fairy tales of Andersen or the violent fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm.

    In total, I participated in yoga and meditation classes for several hours a day. Below are some photos from these exercises, or rather just after the exercises.\


     a little sweaty too, 

Tired, sweaty, but happy,

      also, Yes, it's nice to start the day waiting for the sun to rise

    For me, this trip to yoga camp was a springboard, a time to relax and recharge my batteries. If something affects you in such a beneficial and good way, do not hesitate for a moment and try to rest in a way that is optimal for you and that you like. No matter what it is - take care of and nurture what you like and what brings you joy.
    If you want to support me in traveling, visiting museums, castles, climbing mountains, which also includes climbing the Crown of Polish Mountains with bare tits, you can buy me a coffee. link here. buymeacoffee
And if you want to get to know me from a slightly braver side - 
visit my onlyfans. Link here. onlyfans
If for some reason you can't subscribe to me on Onlyfans, I also have Fansly. Here is the link
    And that's all for today. Remember about the competition I announced in the previous text about Croatia, because I will probably decide it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

See you in the next post, or somewhere on the Internet, you know where....



  1. Nice to know you love yoga so much. As always a delight to read your thoughts.

  2. Thank you very much for your kind words. I'm glad that you enjoyed that :-)

  3. I should do love your ass....

    1. Heh.. hmmm.. Idk...:-) She is so big and dangerous ;-)


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