Do you know a legal system where you are falsely suspected, accused, tried, convicted and punished all at the same time? Is it the times of dark Stalinism?, is it fascist Germany?, is it Putin's regime? NO. It's Reddit. One of the largest social media, recently a listed company.

                         "Reddit is Putin"

That's what one of my friends said when he heard what happened to me. What happened was that I got banned from Reddit. In an unjustified, unexplained way, where after one appeal the evidence was eliminated and I lost contact with the platform itself.

                                 And now, if you have a moment - listen to my story. Heh

     I got banned for posting a photo on my reddit page CukierkowaZgrywuska (PolaRainbow). While I was adding posts daily, a message popped up.

    Of course, I checked my inbox and the information was there. "We flagged the following as a potential policy violation:

Content shared from CukierkowaZgrywuska on 05/15/2024 UTC
After reviewing, we found that you broke Rule 3 because you shared intimate media of someone without their consent. Sharing, threatening to share, or soliciting intimate or sexually-explicit content of someone without their consent is not allowed. This includes fake or “lookalike” depictions, as well as images or videos of intimate parts of a person’s body, even if the person is clothed or in public, if contextualized in a salacious manner (such as “creepshots'' or “upskirt” imagery). This also applies to leaked, stolen, or privately-shared content of someone who does not consent to sharing it on Reddit.

As a result, we’re removing the violating content and permanently banning your CukierkowaZgrywuska account from Reddit."

Now look closely, because here's a photo of "that other person" that got me banned.

                        It was this photo that the reddit administration considered a photo not mine, stolen and in which I shared another person's private parts.

    It was a photo introducing my text on the blog about my hobby - horse riding. Of course, reddit removed it from my website, but I had the photo archived and described, and it was on my website for 12 hours. The comments under the photo also clearly indicated that it was a photo of me in a toque and with bare breasts. "Going to become the curviest Hussar I see, Think you need two more helmets for each boob😂, Awesome big titties!🔥🥰, I'd rather ride you. 🥵😈".


What's going on reddit, you surprised me like something huge in something tiny of mine!

    So I wrote an appeal, which by the way has a 250 character limit, that's about twice as long as this sentence.
    So I wrote that it was definitely my photo and there was no way I could break this rule. In response I received this "flower" -  "Hi CukierkowaZgrywuska, Thanks for submitting an appeal to the Reddit admin team. We reviewed your request and gave the following a second look: Content shared from CukierkowaZgrywuska on 05/15/2024 UTC After reviewing, we found that you broke Rule 3 because you shared intimate media of someone without their consent.
    End of story. The verdict has been passed. The defense was not allowed to speak. The appeal was illusory and grotesque. The judge and prosecutor in one sent me into exile. And now I'm asking. What happened to you reddit? A forum based on respect for the law and open discussion. What happened to you Reddit? Where is this platform known from the GameStop war?
You rotten. After many subreddits were dead last July, where you made people pay millions of dollars for stakes, where you debuted on the stock exchange and your management immediately sold shares for several dozen million dollars. I say. You have corrupted yourself. You're rotten and worthless. And I'm saying this - a girl from Poland, a country that was under partition for many years and a country that started the collapse of the post-Soviet bloc.
There is another concept. Or reddit is run by bots, but reddit administrators are submissive to the tips of others to eliminate the competition. Because I think there is huge competition at the NSFW level among onlyfans girls and I was disturbing someone. Why? Yes, that's why - 2.1 million karma and 422052 Followers. 

    This is a huge base of people who can potentially buy Onlyfans and, truth be told, they do. And the market has become more difficult, so the dirty tricks have become sharper. So a lot of people have told me about strange connections between some nsfw reddit girls and reddit admins. Administrators who are supposed to follow the rules so closely. And I ask - who supervises the administrators? You hear Reddit - Who supervises your admins. as a listed company that should be transparent and follow the principles of corporate governance, I would like to know this. And maybe I will ask formally soon - as one of Reddit's investors. Where are your reddit rules? and who polices your admins?
Im not naive. I know that my presence on reddit is a thing of the past. But the loss of almost 3 years of work, without conflicts, quarrels, scandals, and building such a base of 422,000 followers. all over the world - absolutely unlawful loss - it hurts. And very much so.
But let it not be so sad. I'm pasting a cheerful photo.

                                                       I'm going to the mountains to de-stress  

So I won't come back to reddit, but I will definitely go back to the mountains, castles and other interesting places. If you want to support me in traveling, visiting museums, castles, climbing mountains, which also includes climbing the Crown of Polish Mountains with bare tits, you can buy me a coffee. link here. buymeacoffee

And if you want to get to know me from a slightly braver side -
visit my onlyfans. Link here. onlyfans
If for some reason you can't subscribe to me on Onlyfans, I also have Fansly. Here is the link. fansly

Well - sometimes a difficult situation catches you in a "difficult position", but then you say "too bad" and move on.

Bye..... see you in the next post, or somewhere on the Internet. You know where. Kisses



  1. What a load of shit. Fuck that. I'm sorry you had to go through that, Pola. Social media sites like Reddit and YouTube are notoriously bad when it comes to wrongfully banning people. It's not fair at all. You will be sorely missed there. Will make sure to keep an eye out for your lovely blog posts though. <3

  2. Thank you. There will definitely be more happening on the blog :-). Just like on other social media, OF and fansly.

    1. Excellent news. By the way did your car get fixed?

    2. Heh... Sure :-), although that one was from a car rental company

    3. Ah I see. Hopefully they didn't charge you an exorbitant amount for that mishap. What was the make and model?

    4. It was probably KIA XCEED. They didn't charge it. It's a very decent company. In case of a breakdown, they brought me another car on a tow truck and the broken one was put on the tow truck. At no extra charge and with an apology.

    5. Gotcha. Glad to hear it wasn't as much of a fiasco as Reddit.

    6. Heh... no. It was ok, not damage and bad situation like reddit.

  3. Shamefull what they did to you. Anyway i know you Will display your talents somewhere else, and be very successful. I really enjoy your writing. Keep it up.

  4. Dear Pola, this is unreal! My heart goes out to you! It saddens me greatly to see this done to you... But like you said... You'll move on... For one, I sense that underneath the stunning magnificent beauty you share so genrously and that is such an inspiration, also lies a determined, resiliant warrior... Just as the great people of Poland have overcome and raised from some of the darkest moments in their history... You too will rise stronger from this trial... Hang in there fighter. I rally to the multitude of fans/followers that stand behing you in these difficult times. My fan affection with big hugs and cuddles. Best wishes for a bright future! Yours Truly Guido!

  5. This is incredible I followed you there too, but I didn't think you'd ever be banned there, but I'll continue to follow you here and I'll happily dive into your new content and I'm looking forward to it


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