Mountains are not only the Crown of Polish Mountains - Today "Śnieżne Kotły" and of course bare, huge tits. heh

 Śnieżne Kotły is an extremely attractive post-glacial cauldron in the Karkonosze Mountains, about 1.30h from the top of Szrenica.

Śnieżne Kotły ok 1480 m asl.

    The easiest way to get to Śnieżne Kotły is by taking the chairlift from Szklarska Poręba to the Szrenica mountain. From Szrenica, you go along a gently rising ridge along the red border tourist trail. On the way, at a distance of about 1 km, already on the Czech side, we pass the sources of the Elbe - one of the largest European rivers.
    Śnieżne Kotły are located in the western part of the Karkonosze Mountains (Śląski Grzbiet) between Wielki Szyszak (1509 m above sea level) and Łabski Szczyt (1471 m above sea level). They consist of two glacial cirques - from the west - the Small Snow Cauldron and from the east - the Great Snow Cauldron, separated by a rocky ridge. Above the edge of the boilers, there is a radio and television relay station, which used to be a shelter. This is one of the few places in the Giant Mountains with a distinctly Alpine character. At the bottom of Śnieżne Kotły there are two small but very picturesque Śnieżne Stawki.

Small lakes - Śnieżne Stawki.

    It is worth going to Śnieżne Kotły off-season, then of course there are a lot of people. Because I was taking a selfie on Śnieżne kotły, due to the large number of tourists, I could only take such a picture. Heh

                                                                Selfie on Śnieżne Kotły. Heh

    From Śnieżne kotły I was returning along the yellow trail, first to the iconic and very nice shelter "Pod Łabskim Szczytem" and there, on the trail, it was much easier for me to take a picture - as it should be.

    The descent is very interesting, abounds in numerous rock formations, we cross many streams. I recommend going down to the intermediate station of the chairlift and going down the summer route along the "Puchatek" ski slope. In my opinion, this is the best version of the descent to Szklarska Poręba.  This is a half-day trip, including a break at the mountain shelter.


    Finally, I will write one more sentence. The Giant Mountains are mountains that I definitely recommend both in summer and winter. It is definitely worth coming here and walking in the mountains or skiing.
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Kisses and see you on the next post.


  1. Hope I can travel someday to your country, definitely the view looks amazing, would be awesome if you could record the view on HDR ( I don't know if the media player of this site allow the format) keep it up, do you have YouTube channel?

    1. I dont have YT channel. HDR i think that is noy allowed on blogger. Thanks for nice words and commnet. :-)

  2. Ur beautiful love this blog. Ty

  3. I wanna f*ck those tits and cum on your face....!


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